Respiratory System & Respiratory Immunity

Comprehensive - Integrative - Empowering

Explore the respiratory system, from viruses to chronic issues. Prepare for community care and professional herbal work.
"I have sense of empowerment, knowing that I have the skills, plants..."
"Timely and thorough, full of stories, cases and insight." 
"...very thorough and informative course." 

Breathe easy with this information...

This class helps the student gain an overview of the entire respiratory system in both acute and chronic state, from viruses to chronic lung damage, and everything in-between. Immune implications and interactions with the system will be included. It prepares one for family and community work and also serves as a basic foundation for professional herbal work.


Support Materials

109 pages of manuscripts from Matthew & Phyllis

Support Materials

Video Clip


10 hours of teaching


Certificate included
(see more below)

Pay Once = One Year Access

1 year to view and review content, ask questions and discuss

This is for you if you...

want to understand the herbal and holistic Anatomy and Physiology of the Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract.
want to know about immune interactions with the respiratory system
desire to more confidently address family, friends' and clients' respiratory and immune issues.

In this course you will also learn about...

  • Acute, Subacute and Chronic Respiratory Issues
    • Acute infections, viruses, bacteria, colds, flus, fevers, and Covid-19 (Coronavirus) symptoms
    • Transition of viral infections to bacterial infections, especially in the lungs.  
    • Allergies, molds, pollens, cat dander, pollution, smoke inhalation.  
    • Lower respiratory conditions, acute, subacute, and chronic. 
  • Chronic lung damage 
    • Pleuritic stitches, scar tissue, asthma.

  • Synergies with other organs and systems
    • Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Liver, Kidneys.

  • Teachers

    Matthew Wood, MS

    Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist for over forty years. He is an internationally known teacher and author with more than ten books to his credit. Matthew has an MSc in herbal medicine from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited, U. of Wales). He lives in the Midwest. 

    Phyllis D. Light

    As a 4th generation herbalist, Phyllis started with lessons from her grandmother who taught from her Creek/Cherokee heritage. Phyllis has studied and worked with herbs, foods, and other healing techniques for 30+ years. She is the author of Southern Folk Medicine and co-author of Traditional Western Herbalism Pulse Evaluation.

    Certificate Included

    • How to Get a Certificate

      • Complete course materials
      • Pass the test with a grade of 70% or better
      • Save or print your certificate!

      Available with subscription and individual course purchases.

    • Accreditation hours

      This course is a total of 15 accredited hours
      • 5 hours Materia Medica
      • 5 hours Basic Human Sciences
      • 5 hours Nutrition and Medical Terminology

      *Please check with your accrediting agency whether they will accept accredited hours or certificates from the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism
    Write your awesome label here.

    Respiratory System & Respiratory Immunity

    Be better prepared at home and in the clinical setting for the all-too-common respiratory and immune cases!

    Check out our certificate courses!