Hypothalamus, Pituitary, and Pineal–Functions and Herbs
Time - Dreams - Emotions
The top of the endocrine cascade.
"That which first masters dream time later masters reality." - Matthew Wood
These, the glands of the head, settle into two significant divisions: pineal, which does not participate very much in the endocrine cascade, and the hypothalamic-pituitary, which stands at the top of the cascade.
The pineal is largely credited with the regulation of the biological sense of time. Great mysteries are associated with this gland. In our experience, it also interacts with the dream state, so it is actually highly regulatory on a profound level of the organism. The hypothalamus and pituitary operate together, on the other hand, to regulate the endocrine core, so their function is extremely important.
This class describes the major hormones secreted by the anterior and posterior pituitary, as well as with neurotransmitters and the limbic centers - where emotions are registered.
Support Materials
217 pgs of manuscripts from Matthew
11 pg handout on Adaptogens by Phyllis
2.5 hours of teaching
Certificate included
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Matthew Wood, MS
Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist for over forty years. He is an internationally known teacher and author with more than ten books to his credit. Matthew has an MSc in herbal medicine from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited, U. of Wales). He lives in the Midwest.
Phyllis D. Light, MA
As a 4th generation herbalist, Phyllis started with lessons from her grandmother who taught from her Creek/Cherokee heritage. Phyllis has studied and worked with herbs, foods, and other healing techniques for 30+ years. She is the author of Southern Folk Medicine and co-author of Traditional Western Herbalism Pulse Evaluation.
Certificate Included

How to Get a Certificate
- Complete course materials
- Pass the test with a grade of 70% or better
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Available with subscription and individual course purchases.
Accreditation hours
This course is a total of 5 accredited hours- 5 hours Basic Human Sciences
*Please check with your accrediting agency whether they will accept accredited hours or certificates from the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism
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Hypothalamus, Pituitary, and Pineal–Functions and Herbs
Get to the core of the endocrine system.