Homeopathy, Cell Salts, & Minerals for Herbalists

Complementary - Illuminating - Indispensable

Deepen your understanding of herbal remedies and expand the resources in your medicinal tool kit.
"...Easy to understand deep dive into this important topic.
"...Clear directions for their practical application."
"A must-have for all students of health!"
Cell Salts: "This system of medicine, a branch of homeopathy that just uses twelve remedies, is commendable for a couple of reasons. First, it is simple. Second, it uses a different medical concept from any other system (biomedicine, homeopathy, TCM, herbalism, Ayurveda, etc.) based on the actions of the electrolytes in controlling the fluids and solids of the inner environment of the body. Third, it is pretty effective. I use it to supplement herbal medicine and to expand my knowledge of the workings of the internal environment."- Matthew Wood

The herbalist can learn to use some of the basic agents of homeopathy...

...in a simple, constructive manner alongside our herbal remedies.

The more toxic agents such as belladonna have fallen out of the herbal materia medica but continue to be used in the homeopathic, while the latter uses many fine herbs: Calendula, Boneset, Hawthorn, St. John’s Wort, Elder, Chamomile, etc.

The basic healing doctrine of homeopathy (like treats like) seems to be in conflict with the inferred method of herbalism (hot to cold). We show that this is not the case and that herbalists can use the basic remedies of the homeopathic materia medica successfully alongside our own plant medicines and homeopaths can use herbs.

Matthew Wood has been using both for thirty-five years.
Fluids and Electrolytes: Physiology and Remedies via the Twelve Cell Salts

In addition, this course includes discussion on the cell salts, which are a sort of "subdivision" of homeopathy, though they also stand on their own as a separate system.  

Here we not only discuss the use of the cell salts (calcium phosphate, sulfate, fluoride - sodium chloride, sulfate, phosphate - potassium chloride, sulfate, phosphate - magnesium phosphate, silica, and iron phosphate) but the fluid/electrolyte regulation of the organism, which these salts influence. This is, therefore, also a course on simple fluid and electrolyte physiology.

To his surprise, Matthew found that the cell salts gave many insights into physiology not found in biomedicine, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, or any other system.

This Comprehensive
Course Includes:

Support Materials

209 pages of Matthew's upcoming book on this subject
(not downloadable)

Bonus Materials*

Over 7 hours of BONUS material to prepare you for the 3-day course

Free Recording

How and Why Matthew started in Homeopathy


Homeopathy and Cell Salts for Herbalists - An Introduction


20 hours of teaching


Certificate included
(see more below)

Pay Once = One Year Access

1 year to view and review content, ask questions and discuss

*Note: the BONUS material (Cell Salts classes Day 1 and Day 2) is recorded from Matthew's computer from a very casual class with a lot of participation from the audience, shuffling, background noise, audio fluctuations, and the occasional dog barking. This is BONUS material and is still worth studying, and required to prepare for the 3-day class. Days 1, 2, and 3 of this course are much better quality than the Cell Salts bonus material which was recorded from an online-only event. Preview quality of BONUS material.

This is for you if you...

desire to go beyond herbs for options for natural remedies.
want a deeper understanding of the physical and energetic remedies available to us.
would like to learn the insights Matthew has gained in the decades of studying and using these remedies.

Upon completion, you will...

understand the difference between herbal, homeopathic, cell salt and minerals as remedies.
know when it is most suitable to use which type of remedy.
gain a deeper understanding of fluid and electrolyte physiology in the organism.


Matthew Wood, MS

Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist for over forty years. He is an internationally known teacher and author with more than ten books to his credit. Matthew has an MSc in herbal medicine from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited, U. of Wales). He lives in the Midwest. 

Certificate Included

  • How to Get a Certificate

    • Complete course materials
    • Pass the test with a grade of 70% or better
    • Save or print your certificate!

    Available with subscription and individual course purchases.

  • Accreditation hours

    This course is a total of 31.75 accredited hours
    • 3 hours Clinical Experience
    • 10 hours Materia Medica
    • 1.75 hours Basic Human Sciences
    • 5 hours Nutrition and Medical Terminology
    • 12 hours History, Philosophy, and Therapeutic Paradigms and Applications (Including Energetics) of Various Systems of Herbal Medicine

    *Please check with your accrediting agency whether they will accept accredited hours or certificates from the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism
Write your awesome label here.

Homeopathy, Cell Salts, & Minerals for Herbalists

Deepen your understanding of herbal remedies and expand your toolkit with this in-depth course.

Check out our certificate courses!