Herbs A to Z

Practical - Diverse - Insightful

Join Matthew Wood and our herbal heroes each month for a lively, magical deep dive into the world of featured herbs.
"He pours his knowledge. Investing into this course is the best thing I did.  ." 
"...new uses for herbs that I would not learn anywhere else!" 
"...quite enjoyable...full of valuable knowledge..."

More than 100 hours of "stereo vision" herb talks. 

We guide you through practical groups of herbs tailored for specific complaints, conditions, and patterns. Discover the intricate details of each herb and gain a holistic understanding of how they fit into the vast 'herbal universe.' It's not just about running from first base to second; it's about mastering the entire field!
Despite the name, this is not a class about herbs "beginning with A and ending with Z," but a more realistic presentation based on groups of herbs for different complaints, conditions, patterns, energetics, properties, etc., so that the student can see both the little picture of the herb and the big picture of where it fits into the ‘herbal universe.’

A medical doctor once said to Matthew, "Herbalism is a funny subject to learn. It’s like first you learn how to run from first base to second, then how to catch the ball in left field, then how to throw a pitch.” Matthew commented, “That’s how I learned and am still learning.”

Just as no two baseball players are alike, no two herbalists are alike. That’s why we are going to try to always have two herbalists speaking on the program; to give stereo vision.
For Students of all Levels!
No matter where you are on your herbal journey, you'll discover so much by starting right here! Whether it's a new use for an herb, a fascinating case history, or an entirely new concept to explore relating to herbs - you'll love it!

Upcoming Class
Date and time under "Curriculum" below (topic subject to change). The most recent class is at the bottom of the same section.

Enjoy this work-in-progress!
Once "Herbs A to Z" is complete, it will be made into a separate course with additional materials and testing to receive a certificate. Enjoy the content as it's created at the low price of $24 per month for unlimited access!
Monthly Classes Include:
*Given time or context not all subject matter may be covered in a single class, but most often is covered.
  • Herbal properties and energetics
  • Traditional and Modern uses
  • Pharmacology
  • Homeopathy uses (if any)
  • Cultural history ex. China, Europe, America
  • Preparations
  • Environmental issues
  • Plant identification
  • Case histories and personal experiences
  • Online Q&A with teachers with class recording too!
  • Access to private, online community


Many Classes!

100 hours of classes!

ex. classes on cucumber water, animal medicines, tissue states, solomon's seal, raspberry leaf, plantain, etc
Live or Recorded

join live classes for Q&A or watch the recording and discuss online

Pay Once = 3 months

3 months to view and review content, ask questions and discuss.

New Monthly Classes

Live classes are online on the first Wednesday of each month 7-9PM US Central (Chicago)

Monthly Classes

Write your awesome label here.

Herbs A to Z

Join Matthew Wood and our herbal heroes each month for a lively, magical deep dive into the world of featured herbs.

Check out our certificate courses!