Natural Alternatives for Pet Care
Wisdom - Natural Care - Holistic
Unleash the pawsibilities of natural, holistic pet care.
In this series with retired (but still very active in the animal health arena) Veterinarian, Will Winter, DVM teaches you how to naturally prevent and remedy common health issues and concerns for cats and dogs. Other pet species may be addressed, but the focus will be on the most common companion animals.
Teaching centers around what you'd want from a family vet who takes a natural health approach: a well-rounded education, decades of experience, and good ol' Folk Wisdom, with a caring heart and discerning mind to not only "do no harm" but to help animals to live a healthy, vibrant life.
Topics covered:
Topics covered:
- Getting started with a new puppy or kitten: What to know before getting a puppy or kitten; ideal breed selection and optimal environment.
- Emergency Kit: The essential remedies to have on hand for problems with pets
- Natural food guidelines for cats and dogs (with a visual guide on how to prepare healthy food in spite of a busy schedule)
- "Folk Wisdom:" natural rearing for cats and dogs (Digging. Barking. Chewing. Scratching. Biting. Interacting with children.)
- Elimination issues: What to do when your cat or dog is not 'going' in the correct place.
- Seasonal issues: fleas and ticks, heartworm, allergies.
- Euthanasia options: a difficult topic, but someone's gotta cover it!
- Supporting Rescue Animals
- and more woven throughout...
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11 hours of teaching
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Natural Alternatives for Pet Care
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