Free Snapshot of a Health Astrology Chart

Free Intro

In this Free Intro class (with downloadable slides and a resource chart!) Kira shows us the vast amount of information we can glean from Oprah Winfrey’s chart. With a checklist, some basic tools and tips she shares with us how she breaks down a chart and how the Introduction to Health Astrology For Herbalists course will empower you to start looking at natal charts on your own!
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Kira Sutherland

Kira Sutherland is a highly experienced, award-winning, *Australian naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and medical astrologer. She divides her time between clinical practice and writing/lecturing on these subjects, and is know and loved for her vibrant, straight forward teaching style. She has lectured around the world and uses her 30 years of clinical experience and vast knowledge of healing in combination with her passion for medical astrology into a wonderful mix of mind-body medicine. She can be found at or on socials @astrologyofhealth. *The equivalent of a traditional naturopath in the USA.
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Free Snapshot of a Health Astrology Chart

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