Free Intro to Medical Astrology: Sun Signs
Luminary - Insightful - Expansive
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This introductory class brings together one of the luminaries of modern herbalism (Matthew Wood) with one of the shining stars of astrological medicine (Judith Hill). Both share a deep interest and knowledge of the history of astrological, herbal, and Renaissance medicine, as well as the closely related "Nature Wisdom" (Natura Sophia) movement.
A class both herbalists and astrologers enjoy!
Matthew Wood, MS
Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist for over forty years. He is an internationally known teacher and author with more than ten books to his credit. Matthew has an MSc in herbal medicine from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited, U. of Wales). He lives in the Midwest.
Judith Hill
Judith Hill, an award-winning author and Western Medical Astrology pioneer, founded The Academy for Astrological Medicine. She is one of the longest practicing full-time astrological consultants in America.
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Medical Astrology: Sun Signs
Discover new ways of thinking about herbalism and astrology.