MWIH Year One Program

Fun - Thorough - Foundational

Learn directly from Matthew Wood. carry on the knowledge and be among the next generation of traditional western herbalists.

Coming Soon!

" learn from Matthew and his other stellar faculty ❤"
"Love Matthew Wood. He is the best teacher you can find.
"...will solidify any knowledge I have gained through other courses..."

NEW The doors are always open!

Start whenever you want to!

Learn with the Teacher of Teachers

"The on a spiritual practice of herbalism, healing, and medicine. The main points in this approach are an overall emphasis on Nature as a Living Being, acknowledging the body, soul, and spirit, the four directions or elements, the seven lessons of the medicine path, and the plants themselves. This is undertaken from a vitalist, holistic, natural, and traditional perspective..."
With The Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism Year One Program, you have the remarkable opportunity to learn herbalism directly from one of the trailblazers who revived and popularized the wisdom of Traditional Western Herbalism.

Matthew Wood specially curated his own teaching as well as those of herbal specialists to create a program for students to enjoy, cherish, and carry the herbal legacy into future generations with confidence and honor.

What will you learn?

There are a lot of components to being a well-rounded and knowledgeable family, community or clinical herbalist!
Materia Medica (Plant ID, Plant names, Uses, etc.)
Apothecary (Build your herbal medicine cabinet.)
Family Herbal and First Aid (The basics, what you'll use the most!)
Beginner Herbal Medicine Making (Practical, fun, informative!)
Herbal Energetics and Tissue States (Tools that Matthew Wood brought back into Traditional Western Herbalism that will help you to be a truly skilled herbalist.)
Botany (A mechanic needs to know the makes, models and parts of car; likewise the herbalist needs to know the plants.)
Historical herbal foundations created by past and present trailblazers
Beginning Herbal Practice (Intake, Dosaging, Monitoring the Remedy, etc.)
Doctrine of Signatures and Plant Journeying (Connect with the plants!)
Unique and fun electives
You'll be a community herbalist - no problem.
Sabrena Gwin
Most organized and comprehensive course I've been in [including] my previous University studies...
Angela Hamilton
In today's world, herbalism has flourished! Are you one of the growing number of individuals who aspire to support yourself, your families, and your community with the power of herbal medicine?
Write your awesome label here.

Throughout the First Year Program, you will:

Gain insights into the historical roots of the holistic approach and the guiding principles of Western Herbalism, understanding the significance and embodying the essence of vitalism.
 Embrace herbalism as a way of life, learning from experienced herbalists specialized in various domains, many of whom devote themselves full-time to this craft.
 Explore 52 distinct plants, delve into Family Medicine, First Aid, and Acute Disease, and embark on the journey of beginner Herbal Medicine Making, empowering you to create or expand your own apothecary or herbal medicine cabinet.
 Be blown away learning the concepts of the Six Tissue States, Tastes and Sensations of Herbs to help determine which remedies are best called for; As well as the Doctrine of Signatures, which have shaped Matthew's life as an herbalist and serve as pillars in his herbal philosophy and the online MWIH Year 1 Program.


Resources for Multiple
Learning Styles

Videos, audio, slides, handouts, documents, *transcripts, *closed captions, tests and many ways to interact with fellow students, knowledgeable staff and teachers to help you get the most out of the program.

Support &

A real person will be available to assist you. Quarterly Q&A sessions with teachers. Study Groups. Game Nights. Ongoing access to instructors and fellow students within the community. Regular (bi)weekly emails to guide your progress.


The MWIH Year One Program is foundational, but it's not basic. It's a specially-curated in-depth herbal program designed by prolific author and world-renowned herbalist, Matthew Wood, MS.
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Rooted in the past, blossoming for the future - cultivate a herbal legacy!

Upon completion of the program, students (you!) will:

  • Have developed a profound understanding of herbs and their potential benefits for personal use, supporting friends and family, and commencing a clinical herbal career.
  • Embrace herbalism as a way of life, learning from experienced herbalists specialized in various domains, many of whom devote themselves full-time to this craft.
  • Move beyond generic herbal approaches and comprehend which herbs are best suited not only for specific conditions but also for each unique individual and nuanced conditions.
  • Cultivate a deep spiritual connection with the plant world.
  • Acquire knowledge of plants from diverse ecosystems and regions, along with related herbs that may be more readily available in your area.
  • Establish connections with herbalists and other students from various regions. Be a part of this vibrant community.
  • Tailor herbal studies through elective classes and specialized departments aligned with your specific interests.
Students who complete Year One will receive an newly designed certificate signed by Matthew Wood.


Beyond the extensive and profound content, you will discover a sense of community woven throughout the MWIH Year 1 Program. The Community platform facilitates connections with fellow herbalists and students from around the world to help you connect and grow.

We understand that growth thrives in synergy, where a supportive environment and network amplify exponential development. Hence, the Year One Program offers a comprehensive Guide to support your learning process, including:

  • Email guidance, prompts, tips and updates to help you stay on track. (bi-weekly, every other week). 
  • Private Community to interact with staff, teachers and peers (Anytime)
  • Thought-filled resources to nurture your journey (Available upon enrollment.)
  • Additional fun and interactive classes like Q&A's with teachers, Study Groups, Game Nights and more are available to to help you get the most out of the curriculum! (Each offered at least once per quarter, most offered monthly.)

MWIH Year One Program

This program is designed for anyone passionate about exploring traditional medicines, whether for personal use, family care, or ultimately serving their community. While becoming a proficient herbalist may require years of dedication, establishing a solid foundation is a crucial initial step upon which you can build.

Payments and Online Learning to Fit Your Life

Convenient payment options.

Write your awesome label here.
There was no comparison...I could not be more proud to be attending this school and I would happily recommend it to anyone.
Jennifer Caiazzo
Information is easy to find...You all have done such a good job.
Stephen Cull
Inspired by the living plant world itself, the wisdom passed down by Elders and fortified by decades of clinical experience.

Intelligent, but not AI

All content at MWIH is curated and created from decades of experience from REAL herbalists!

Matthew Wood, MS has been a practicing herbalist for over forty years. He is an internationally known teacher and author with more than ten books to his credit. Read More...
Phyllis D. Light, MA is 4th generation herbalist, taught by her grandmother based on her Creek/Cherokee heritage. Phyllis has studied and worked with herbs, foods, and other healing techniques for 30+ years. Read More...
Lori Rose, Ph.D., is a holistic nutrition expert and herbalist. She's a devoted wife, mother, and passionate wellness instructor, dedicated to empowering others to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Read More...
Judy Lieblein is a Shamanic Herbalist, Reiki Master, and co-owner of Gathering Thyme. She specializes in plant spirit medicine and grief work, empowering others through plant medicine and energy practices. Read More...
Jon Baklund is a remote viewing instructor and has vast experience in the metaphysical realm, intuition, psychic ability, and intention. He is the Founder of Inomanti International. Read More...
Carolyn Jones, MSc, CC, is a Chaplain, Holistic Educator, and Herbalist, advocating self-care. With a rich background, she eases emotional pain through natural methods and healthier lifestyles. Read More...
Francis Bolnaldo, LAc has been a practicing herbalist for 15 years. He is a pulse evaluation expert, author, and wildcrafter from Montreal. He has a MS in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Read More...
Chris McPadden has been a practicing herbalist since 2002. His Ojibwe/Métis grandmother started him on his spiritual journey at the age of 4 with plant and animal medicine. Read More...
Amanda Nicole an author, herbalist, and Divine Daughter, shares plant medicine messages and connects with nature. Her book "Flowers for a Girl" and podcast "Whispers" reflect her deep connection to plant spirit medicine. Read More...
Judith Hill is an award-winning author of thirteen books, an internationally recognized researcher, and is one of the longest practicing full-time astrological consultants in America. Read More...
Other teachers include: Sebastian Liew LAc, Tara Baklund, Leigh Arnoldy, BM, Judith Simms, Mitch Stargrove, Macey Flood PhD, and Unchatwa.

This is for you if...

This is for you if...

This is for you if...

This is for you if...

This is for you if...

This is for you if...

This is for you if...

  • You're tired of medical professionals guessing at what's 'wrong' with you, and you want to get to the bottom of what's ailing you!!
  • You want to be able to help yourself, family and friends to take care of common as well as long-standing issues by truly supporting the body, not just address symptoms--and save money in the process!
  • You're concerned with where the world is going and you want to be more self-reliant.
  • You're considering a career change and/or want to learn more to personally grow!
  • You value traditional knowledge and wisdom paired with updated information taught by people who practice and live-by what they teach.
  • You love Matthew Wood's books, style of teaching, and in-depth study!
  • It sounds like fun and there are so many potential benefits!

This is NOT for you if...

You prefer 1:1 or in-person teaching.
You need a program with more check-ins or guidance than we provide.
Acknowledging the plants as living beings, or pursuing herbalism, healing, and medicine as a spiritual practice do not align with your beliefs.
Reading 2,3000 pages of online documents (70% non-downloadable of pre-published content by Matthew Wood) sounds difficult if not impossible.
You are very new to herbal studies and/or you do not consider yourself a very studious person.

Unique and Noteworthy Features

Mobile App

Not just a site with mobile functions, but an actual App! Coming during the year starting with iOS.

Closed Captions and Transcripts with Search Capabilities

All lessons feature Closed Captions within the videos in addition to transcripts to follow alongside the video. Students can search within transcripts to easily find and then skip to sections of video.

Online like In-person

As close to an in-person program you can get while learning at your convenience, online.


Flashcards, Study Aids, Slides.

Guided Program

Starts upon enrollment with bi-weekly, guided emails and all the resources you need to begin.

Research and Study Tools

Site Index with hundreds of terms to help you find the exact lesson that a herb, ailment, historical figure (for example) are mentioned along with searchable Transcripts and Closed Captions.
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About the Program

What will the program be like?
  • Overview: The program is broken up into a guided 12-month path. Months 6 and 12 are catch-up months. A detailed Student Syllabus will be provided. Class officially starts and helpful resources are available upon enrollment
  • Email Guides: Students will receive an email every other week indicating where they should be in their studies if following the suggested timeline. You are also welcome to go at your own pace.

  • Core Curriculum: The curriculum is divided into three sections: Core Curriculum, Materia Medica, and Electives. The entire curriculum has been specifically designed by Matthew Wood to guide you with essential knowledge with room for you to also carve your own path with the option to choose Electives.
  • Materia Medica: You will learn 52 herbs in-depth in the Year One Program.
  • Electives: The vision of the MWIH Year 1 Program is to help students not only learn the basics but to craft their own unique herbal path along the way. Each year students will have a choice of Electives including Medical Astrology (AKA Astro-Herbalism), Nutrition, Doctrine of Signatures, Animal (shamanic) Herbalism, to name a few. Students will be able to craft their own specialties within their herbal studies and practice.
  • Study Time: Expect to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week studying curriculum, plus any additional study time you may need. This is often an additional 5-10 hours per week but varies per person. We have observed, the more previous experience a person has in herbalism or related fields, less study time is needed.
  • Study Time Data: Study time figures are based on previous student experience. To complete the program students will need to watch 230 hours of video, read 2,300 pages of documents (70% not downloadable) and 107 multiple-choice tests.
  • Communities: Included in the program is access to online communities (General and private Year 1) to help you connect and learn with fellow students.
  • Interact with Teachers: MWIH Year One Program teachers are excited to receive your thoughtful questions and are available to answer your questions in the Year One Program Community and during Q&A sessions.
  • Staff Help: We have a knowledgeable staff who will also be available to answer questions. In other words... this is a live, interactive program run by and with real people!
  • Objectives as defined by Matthew Wood (subject to change): 
    • Year 1: Skills: Basic evaluation, looking for specific indications and organ affinities, familiarity with tissue states. Subjects: acute disease, first aid, history, holistic perception, medicine making, botany, basic materia medica
    • Year 2: Skills: Applied energetics, energetics and tissue states of each organ system. Subjects: sub-acute and chronic disease, organ systems, intermediate and advanced medicine making, more materia medica. (The Year 2 Program is coming early 2025!)
    • Year 3: Skills:  Clinical application. Evaluation of specific indications, organ systems and energetics. Subjects: pharmacology, evaluation of the above and case-taking, psychology. (The release of the Year 3 Program is to be determined.)

To Help You Get Started

You'll have access to the following to get started upon enrollment!
  • Orientation emails and videos
  • Materia Medica Flashcards (downloadable)
  • Helpful, downloadable resources: Doctrine of Signatures study help sheets, Botany Study Cards, Glossary, site Index, Required and Recommended Book List, and Supplies List.


We aim to help you achieve your goals to become a professional herbalist. The MWIH Programs are designed to help you fulfill your accreditation goals. Upon successful completion of the Year 1 Program students will receive a certificate detailing the hours they have successfully fulfilled:

  • *22-47 hours - Basic Human Sciences
  • *89-140 hours - Materia Medica
  • *63 - 69 hours - History, Philosophy, Therapeutic Paradigm Applications (incl. Energetics)
  • *29 - 30 hours - Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, and Dispensing
  • 40 hours - Botany and Plant Science
  • 26.5 hours - Practice Management and Ethics

*Hours depend on choice of electives

Always consult your local jurisdictions for information on laws regarding herbal practice and consult the accreditation agency to confirm they will accept a MWIH certificate as confirmation of successfully completing hours for accreditation.

Want to learn more about becoming a "Certified Herbalist"?
Check out this podcast.
It is phenomenal...It's a must-take training. It is more than foundation.
Piers Wander
This is it. This is the one...He was talking about the emotional indications, the mental indications...
Amanda Bibb-Crane
Write your awesome label here.

12 month Access

Starting the day you enroll
The MWIH Year One Program is a comprehensive and enriching year serving as the initial step in Matthew Wood's vision of how a person becomes a well-rounded herbalist.

Guided & At Your Own Pace

12 months to enjoy and complete the program at your own pace

This is a 12-month guided program. Every other week, you'll receive an email to help you pace your studies.  

We've scheduled 2 "catch-up" months in the 12-month curriculum, but you can speed up or catch-up at any time. 

Do you like taking time off during the holidays, no problem! Do you want to complete your studies before the next summer break, you can do that too!

From a small seed, the vision of the MWIH Year 1 Program has blossomed into an extraordinary archive of classes and courses encompassing a vast array of herbal subjects.

Over $7,800 of Curriculum

Lesson series

The Complete Family Herbal: Home Remedies $375

Herbalists Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light, MA take this philosophy to heart and bring it into your home, where you empower yourself and your family with the gift of well-being. Providing healthy lifestyle practices, recognizing and aiding chronic issues, and timely acute care isn’t only healthy, but it also helps mitigate issues if an office visit to a doctor comes about. This course goes beyond the quick fix: you’ll learn about the cause of the ailment as well as how to deal with it in the short and long term.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Lesson series

First Aid for Herbalists $98

Bumps, scrapes, burns… it’s a part of life. There are times when a person must go to the doctor for acute or chronic conditions, but there are many times when we can take care of ourselves and our family at home or in the field.
Lesson series

Botany for Herbalists $880

If you want to learn how to identify plants, this course is highly recommended. I've previously taken two other botany classes, but this one I came away with so much more, including how to actually use the keys to positively identify the plant right down to the correct species.- Luana M
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Write your awesome label here.
Lesson series

Beginner Herbal Medicine Making $330

Join Lori Rose, Ph.D. in this course full of essential information on making a variety of herbal medicines. She will guide you in a simple and practical way through the mysteries of Herbal Medicine Making!
  • Enjoy fun activities for the family
  • Feel the reward of making your own herbal medicines
  • Save money by making your own herbal remedies
  • Gain confidence in your herbal skills
Lesson series

Astrology Sun Signs $1188 (elective)

This course covers the health strengths and weaknesses of each astrological sign, Aries through Sagittarius! Make the best of your own astrology, deepen your chart reading abilities, and expand your herbal wisdom.
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Write your awesome label here.
Lesson series

Holistic Nutrition $595 (elective)

Join us in this online nutrition & health course where we dive into nutrition, food, vitamins, minerals, supplements, and more with Phyllis D. Light, MA.
Write your awesome label here.
Lesson series

Many hours of other fascinating classes including:

  • Women Herbalists and Healers
  • Black Folk Herbalism
  • Voyage with Culpeper
  • Herbs for Death, Dying, and Grief
  • Basics of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Others
  • Herbal History: European, Native American, Egyptian, and others
  • Herbal Energetics and Actions
  • Specific and Preventative Medicine
  • Assessment Skills
    Traditional Naturopathy electives
  • And many, many more!

$1,000's in value!

All together, over $7,800 in Value!

I've worked in the herbal field in TCM and Tibetan medicine for 30 years, I feel that the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism Year One program is an excellent introduction to traditional herbal practice with many unique perspectives not found in any other program.
Edward J. Coughlin AP, DOM
The MWIH Year just a blessing because throughout the school the fact - that nature is alive. It runs like a flowering green thread through the entire school; it is just the best and feels like coming home.
Sonny Stjernström
Where soul meets body, and earth blends herbal harmony!

Payments and Online Learning to Fit Your Life

Write your awesome label here.
You could be starting the MWIH Year 2 Program a year from now!
Write your awesome label here.

12 month Access

upon enrollment
MWIH Year One Program is a comprehensive and enriching herbal education.

Frequently asked questions

How much will I need to spend on other materials?

You will need to purchase the required books/reading and herbal medicine-making supplies. We estimate these costs to be around $200.  Feel free to review the Required and Recommended Book List and Supplies List. You can also view it at the beginning of the course curriculum.

Playing catch up...What if I can't start right away? Can I take a break during the holidays? 

Yes! You will have the opportunity to catch up on your lessons. We've carved out 2 months within the 12-month timeline to account for breaks and catch-up time. Feel free to use this additional time whenever necessary.

How much time will I need to dedicate to studying each week?

On average, students will require 8 hours per week for studying. This estimation considers the average reading speed and is calculated using the 10 months months of curriculum; not including catch-up months. If the catch-up months were included the average would be much less.

Will I get a certificate if I complete the program after the 1-year mark?

Yes! All students who successfully complete the program and have completed their payments will receive a MWIH Year One Program Certificate designed and signed by Matthew Wood.

Will I be a certified herbalist upon completing the course? 

Herbalism is an unregulated field. You will receive a certificate from the MWIH as proof of successful completion of the program including the number of hours of study you've completed. You will need to check your local laws and regulations for how you may practice herbalism in your area.

Will I be able to practice herbalism after completing this course?

By the time you finish this program, you will have acquired knowledge, skills, and confidence in applying herbal teachings to improve your daily life and assist your friends and family. For some, this foundational knowledge may inspire the confidence to start an herbal business. Additionally, the Year 2 and 3 Programs will offer more extensive training, equipping you to handle more complex cases and explore further business opportunities.                  

Do you offer scholarships?

We do occasionally open up application for scholarships. Please stay tuned to our newsletter for announcements.

When will payments process for the payment plan?

Once you enroll, the first payment will be processed immediately. The following payments will be charged on the same date in the subsequent months.

For instance, if you enrolled on the 5th, the next payment will be automatically charged on the 5th of the following month, and so on until payments are complete. After payments are successfully completed, no further charges will be processed, automatically.

What if I miss a payment?

If a payment is missed contact us right away. If the system has already cancelled enrollment due to a late payment, we may guide the student to re-enroll in the payment plan.

What is the refund policy for this course?

Email us within 30 days of your purchase (or first payment plan payment) for a refund.

Are live classes included?

The entire curriculum is pre-recorded.

The optional Q&A's, Study Groups and Game Nights are are live to facilitate student interaction and learning. Recordings are available within 2 business days.

When will live classes be offered?

To accommodate the majority of students' schedules, we will offer live classes and events on different days and times. Please see the Calendar for currently scheduled classes.

Can I transfer credits?

Transfer credits are not accepted at this time.

***How do I know if I'm ready?

We've provided a Pre-test in the Library for you to test your knowledge and feel more confident about starting the Year 1 Program. It consists of just over 400 questions which is about 20% of the Year 1 test questions. We've found that students who spend time studying in the Library have a much smoother time completing the Year 1 Program within 12 months. Also, when you pass the pre-test with as score of 70% or better you'll receive a coupon for $300 off the Year 1 Program! Coupon must be used within 30 days. Multiple attempts are allowed.

Why are contents not "lifetime or forever access"?

Our programs are meant to foster interaction with fellow students and teachers, to be as much like an in-person class as possible, with the convenience of online learning. While all classes are recorded, the material is not static - classes are continually reviewed, updated, and improved. This level of interaction and quality support takes time and financial resources in order to provide the best online herbal education possible and to best serve students.

Why are not all documents downloadable?

Matthew's and Phyllis' lengthy, in-depth documents are portions of future books to which students have early access. This is the same for Matthew and Judith's Medical Astrology Sun Signs handouts. The majority of other handouts and slides are downloadable.
Still have a question?
Contact us at We are happy to help!
Remember, education is the key that unlocks your herbal potential.
Let us be your guiding light.

MWIH Year One Program

Embrace the herbal journey to bloom and transform!
Consumer Testimonials. As with any program, your results using MIWH Classes, Courses and Programs may vary from these consumer testimonials. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. MWIH Classes, Courses and Programs are often fun, but they are also seriously rich content. It takes lots of time, effort, and dedication to become an herbalist. We believe that we provide you a great toolbox to achieve your desired results, and these students agree.

Refunds. Email us within 30 days of your purchase (or first payment plan payment) for a refund.