Eco-Forest Surface Cleaner - Northern California Version

Nov 28 / Judy Lieblein
I love cleaning with my homemade vinegar. It cuts thru dust, dirt, and grease brilliantly. Besides leaving everything clean you also receive and bring in the protective energy of the plants into your space. Similar to what your home would feel like after smudging.

This recipe relies on all the trees that grow locally to me for their energetic and protective properties as well as being anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. There is untold power in using the plants that grow near to where you live as medicine. With the current storms and winds, nature does the harvesting for us. If you go for a walk you will find downed branches, clumped needles, and leaves on the ground. With permission and gratitude harvest from the ground what you need. Remembering to harvest only 10%. I always leave my harvests in a paper bag outside for a few hours so the critters can crawl out.

Eco Forest Surface Cleaner Northern California Version

(can be adapted to whatever state you live in)

  1. Grab a 32oz mason jar.
  2. Fill the jar with a mix of California Bay leaves, Douglas Fir/Cedar/Juniper, and Pine needles. You can use any combination but I recommend half the jar be Bay leaves.
  3. Once the jar is filled with plant material, cover it to the top with white distilled vinegar.*
  4. Place wax paper over the top and cap tightly.
  5. Let it sit for 4 weeks.
  6. Strain and add equal parts distilled water.
  7. You can add a drop or two of Cedar EO if you want.
  8. Pour into spray bottles and label.
  9. Before you use make sure to test it on a small surface.

As you are preparing and bottling up the mixture, remember to offer gratitude to the plants and ask them to offer their protective properties to you and all those living in your home.

*You should not use vinegar on natural stone countertops, such as granite, marble, or limestone, because the acid in vinegar can etch the surface and cause permanent damage.
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